Author Archives: Deleted User
Opinion Pollsters
Hello everyone,
This term in Year three we are becoming opinion pollsters focusing on the environment. We are investigating how Benedict can become more ECO friendly and the role we can play in that change.
We watched a newsround link on why plastics are such a problem.
We are really looking forward to collecting some data. If you have a spare minute, we would be really grateful if you could answer some of our surveys created on J2vote.
Thank you very much , Cedar and Birch class
Welcome to the Beech Blog!!
Welcome to the Beech Blog!!
This is going to be your chance to share work that you have completed with your classmates the wider school community.
We are currently exploring horror stories focusing on the Mary Shelly Classic, Frankenstein.
Shortly we will be sharing the spooky descriptions we have written. Keep your eyes open and please feel free to make supportive comments.
Remember that we want to build tension and suspense!
Welcome to Beech Class Blog Space
Welcome to the Beech Blog!!
This is going to be your chance to share work that you have completed with your classmates the wider school community.
We are currently exploring horror stories focusing on the Mary Shelly Classic, Frankenstein.
Shortly we will be sharing the spooky descriptions we have written. Keep your eyes open and please feel free to make supportive comments.
Remember that we want to build tension and suspense!