Non chronological reports on desert jemimah animals

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8 Responses to Non chronological reports on desert jemimah animals

  1. mgnarasi says:

    Jemimah, I really enjoyed reading your blog post. The African Wild dog certainly appears cute! Just be careful with the use of their/there and they’re.

  2. phoebe says:

    your work is wonderful jemimah

  3. phoebe says:

    so good

  4. phoebe says:

    so good

  5. zajaa XD says:

    nice jemimah

    its very interesting

  6. foskc says:

    So much work jemimah, how long did it take?

  7. natalie says:

    wow! you did a great piece of work

  8. paula says:

    I love it Jemie. You are such a clever girl. Well done.
    Grandma xxx

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