My literacy story

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6 Responses to My literacy story

  1. Kerry Cousins says:

    Good but still go back over your punctuation and upper case and lower case letters, I’m
    not telling you where they are,but look over it

  2. Louise Naylor says:

    Well done Rhys, you have used some lovey descriptive language. Can I suggest that you re read you work, to make sure that it makes sense. How can you improve on what you have already done? I look forward to reading this again after you have looked at it again.

  3. Hishanth says:

    Well done and I like the descrption of the Narcissus.Why did you magpie names from myths? Next time type faster.

  4. aA says:

    Fantastic puncation Rhys , and you have amazing descriptive language.

    Why did you pick Narcissus and Echo?

    Check your spelling Rhys.

  5. Adam says:

    It is amazing Rhys you have done good punctuation!!!

  6. Sathuya Rajaseelan says:


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