my snowy setting from william

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7 Responses to my snowy setting from william

  1. ruwaida says:

    Positive: wow I like your description, particularly the bit where you said people froze to death.
    Question:Can you put it in paragraphs?
    Suggestion:Can you add any more description on your snowy setting?

  2. sherry leahy says:

    I really liked when you said people froze to death it was really powerful.also you do not have much spelling mistakes so that was very good.Next time maybe make the paragraphs bigger they were more like sentences.Why did you describe the icicles like you did.

  3. Asif YT says:

    Positive: I like When you said people froze to death while, they chop fire wood but i dont get it

  4. Rania says:

    very nice william

  5. sdavis says:

    I love the imagery of those poor people freezing to death, chopping wood. How tragic! How do your dragons resemble birds? Maybe next time you could write s few more sentences in each paragraph.

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