My Snow setting Fatima

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5 Responses to My Snow setting Fatima

  1. lisa says:

    Good description of the snowy setting i can make a picture in my mind. For the snow you could say the snow always fly’s up in the bright blue sky.

  2. william says:

    Wow Fatima that I love that snowy description Like bright.
    Why did you like what you made?
    Why did you put in snowy photos?
    I suggest you put in more paragraphs
    But it was Amazing.

  3. rahmw says:

    fatima i love your snow.y

    from wasma

  4. sdavis says:

    Well done for using an adverb like outside to open your sentences. Why have you written only short sentences? Could you have used conjunctions to write complex sentences?

  5. Fatima Ahmad says:

    Thank you! I wrote short sentences because i could’nt think!!!!Yes

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