Adams Diary

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5 Responses to Adams Diary

  1. Rhys says:

    I like How you Described The Character as A Terrifying Metal Beast, How was is the Most Terrifying Day of your life? explain more

  2. RONNIE-Jay says:

    I like the way you deskriv the IRON man.

    cepup the good wark.

    you ceped saying ran

  3. sdavis says:

    Full stops and punctuation….fix it and I’ll comment on your lovely words.

  4. oliwier says:

    adam I like the way that you said it was the most terrifing day of my life.
    You must us punctution adam ok.

  5. Hishanth 11 says:

    I like the descriptive words like terrifying metal beast.Next time use punctuation and correct your spellings.

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